Water Element
 The Water Adaptation Type - The Philosopher

Water is best characterized by its ability to take on different forms – under heat, it becomes steam, under extreme cold, it turns to ice; it can rush down from a high mountain or in giant waves to the beach; as a lake, it always levels itself to a smooth surface.

All these characteristics, we find in a person who is dominated by Water – being particularly flexible, this person will adjust to situations quickly and is able to move through the passages of life with ease.

They do not like pressure and usually solve problems alone preferring to stay in the background.

Having an interest in the mysterious depth of life, the Water Adaptation Type is constantly looking for answers to the ‘eternal questions’ and is often particularly interested in spiritual topics.

If out of balance, a tendency to withdraw from others might result in voluntary isolation, becoming excessively introverted, and losing drive – literally drowning in one’s own imaginative thoughts.

The child displays a never-ending curiosity and is often under-challenged academically. Resenting bragging and ‘bribery’ they prefer consequence and integrity which can sometimes result in loneliness.

However, being of an imaginative and independent mind it rarely poses a problem. 

Professionally, they resent hierarchy as well as routine and are rarely suitable for work in a big company. Autonomy in an individual workspace away from the crowd and the freedom to create their own agenda is particularly important.

As the Kidneys are considered the guardians of our basic constitution (Jing),
they should be protected as they belong to the Water Element and are responsible for our immune system. Warmth on all levels – physically and emotionally – would be crucial for this type of person as too much Water attacks Fire which is associated with the joy of life.

The main emotion defining the Water Adaptation Type is (existential) fear – evident in the expression ‘paralyzed with fear’ - which attacks the bladder and the lower back resulting in back pain. Furthermore, the strong need for privacy can easily change into a fear of being left alone and a tendency to become depressed.

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