Theory of the Five Elements

The Five Adaptation Types

The philosophical origins of Traditional Chinese Medicine are deeply steeped in Taoism. The ideas of Taoism are closely based on observation of the natural world and the manner in which it operates – the changes of the weather, the course of the stars, and the cycle of life. These natural phenomena were perceived as having an influence on human beings, on their thinking and feeling, on the illnesses they developed, and so on.

Everywhere in nature, there is dynamic interchange; the seed (Yin) grows into the plant (Yang) which eventually withers and dies back into the earth (Yin). Winter (Yin) transforms through Spring into Summer (Yang) which in turn changes through Autumn into Winter (Yin) again.

Until today, Traditional Chinese Medicine draws extensively on these metaphors which are described in The Theory of the Five Elements - Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth. 

The term ‘Element’ does not bear the same meaning as in Western thinking. In Chinese terms, it is not seen as a material substance but rather as a power or a specific quality of the Universe. The Elements are seen as transition phases of the different manifestations of Ch’i. This idea of varied energetic states corresponds amazingly to modern discoveries in physics – especially Quantum Physics.

According to the Taoist view, the ‘Five Elements’ are evident in all manifestations in the cosmos – in the directions, the climate, the stars, the seasons, the landscape… as well as within human beings – in the organs, the tissue, the senses, what we eat, the emotions and the mental abilities. They manifest their relationship in two ways with the aim of keeping each other balanced – they support each other and control each other. If the energetic relationships are not balanced this will express itself in a human being as discomfort, distress, and eventually illness.

Apart from a diagnostic tool within Chinese Medicine, the ‘Five Elements’ are expressed in the different dates of our calendar. Any birth date can therefore be transferred into Elements which are ruled by the same two relationships of supporting and controlling each other.

Over the decade, the knowledge of this ‘code’, combined with Western psychology, has been developed into the term ‘Adaptation Type’ which not only reveals a person’s main character traits but also their strengths, professional aptitudes and the personal behaviour during certain situations and life phases.

Humans are constantly trying to balance themselves, to adapt to certain situations – in their physical health, their mind and their spirit. This is called ‘Adaptation Type’ which is individual to every person. Through analysing the respective ‘Adaptation Type’ the client achieves clarity about themselves, enabling them to do the appropriate choices in different life. situations.

      Qualifications - Tools
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