Life in Balance

.   Baby and Beyond


Societal changes over the past few decades have led to a change in the profile of first-time parents. Contraception has allowed couples to delay trying for a baby until they are comfortably situated which, in turn, has led to a later average age of first-time mothers.

However, if conception becomes difficult, it leads to a perception of time running out faster – eventually causing immense emotional upheaval. Disappointment, frustration, and anxiety have often been the result, especially when no obvious medical problem has been detected.

At such times, would-be parents may benefit from a more holistic approach.

According to TCM (Acupuncture Acupressure), the lower part of the body (womb and kidney area) must be warm to nourish life. The kidneys are considered responsible for nourishing the seed of life – just like a plant that needs sunshine to grow. Furthermore, Chi is formed in our lower body (lower Dan Tian) before it travels up to be dispersed throughout the body.

The ubiquitous smoothies, raw food, cold salads, and sandwiches, especially early in the morning, are detrimental to healthy Chi circulation.

Therefore, a thorough assessment of the woman’s nutritional habits is crucial. Warm, cooked food, coupled with moxibustion to warm the body has a tremendous effect on the Energy of the body.

Dairy products, like milk, soft cheese, and cream should be avoided as milk produces phlegm blocking the meridians.

Other reasons might be specific blockages, like stagnation in the Liver Chi, deficiency in the Kidney Energy, or accumulation of damp heat in the lower body. These can only be detected by questions about lifestyle, menstruation, changes in temperament, as well as checking pulse and tongue.

Sometimes, it is necessary to investigate a bit further; complicated feelings relating to the wish to have a child can lead to underlying blockages that cannot be solved by talking alone. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is an effective mind/body tool that can gently turn up underlying thoughts and emotions.

Perhaps the parents-to-be are fearful of being alone in their old age, or they are trying for a second child to give their first child a playmate, or they hope, a child will save an estranged relationship.

A more serious cause for not conceiving might be a conflicting motivation: despite the fervent wish for a baby, the mother-to-be has a hidden fear of passing on personal trauma.

Anxiety is a fertility antagonist; failing to conceive can easily cause a vicious cycle that is hard to break. BACH Remedies can soothe the disappointment and negativity, restoring a sense of inner peace and balance. The remedies have no side effects; however, the exact combination will depend on the individual’s specific perception of the situation.


Pregnancy – Miscarriage – Post Partum

Not every pregnancy goes smoothly and according to plan.

Accompanied by compassionate counseling, as well as the above-mentioned remedies, a traumatic experience like losing a baby could be slowly processed and consolidated, creating a more positive attitude.        

A more holistic approach like Jin Shin Jyutsu could be favourable to getting in touch with the mother’s feelings and assisting her on her path to a new role. As much as motherhood was desired and anticipated, the reality of being under a 24-hour demand, the responsibility, and the struggle to find balance in this new phase can be truly overwhelming. When living far from home, the situation is often aggravated by living in an unfamiliar place, without family support. 


Breech – Preparation for Birth – Natural Induction

There are few solutions - except c-section - for a baby who does not seem to be in the ideal position for a natural birth. Moxibustion offers a simple, yet often effective solution.

Especially for first-time mothers, a preparation for the ‘big moment’ (starting a few weeks before EDD), leading up to a natural induction - if necessary - has proven to be beneficial and very popular.


Baby Massage

A Chinese child massage is a natural form of therapy that causes no side effects but stimulates body functions. It can be used on its own or as a supportive measure in combination with other treatments. The best results are achieved with children up to five years, but kids up to ten years still respond very well.

      Qualifications - Tools
      Complementing Tools
