
What Others are Saying…


Personality Profiling - 'CrossRoads'

Choosing final subjects

Thank you so much for your advice with helping my son choosing his final subjects. We are so relieved to see his true potential instead of groping in the dark – what an amazing tool!

Family development and relationship issues

Having been clients (of Ina) for several years, we have now moved back to our home country. We still have an update twice a year for the whole family as nobody knows us as well. As a couple, this helped us tremendously in our relationship while our daughters benefited greatly from the help during their growing up time, choosing subjects and a career path.

Job change - professional direction

As I was faced with a job change that would have required a move for the whole family, we asked Ina for advice. We particularly appreciated the combination of not only my professional career and financial rewards but also the deep insight into my character and personality. ‘CrossRoads’ proved to be the perfect choice for all of us.


Baby and Beyond

Baby and Beyond - Counseling

….our son was born without complications a week ago - I can’t tell you how happy we are! As I had a very traumatic experience with my first born three years ago, I was full of apprehension, almost fearful. Luckily, I found you just in time – recommended by my doctor. Although there was only time for two sessions, it was enough time to process my earlier experience and teach me the tapping procedure to do during labour and – assisted by my husband – during birth. Thank you so much!

Baby and Beyond - Coaching

….finally, we are there – due to several complications during pregnancy, we needed a lot of encouragement and reassurance. Ina’s positive and confident manner, coupled with her vast experience, helped us greatly through our journey to become a family. Especially during the last weeks which, nevertheless, caused some anxiety, we needed some ‘extra help’. The special preparation for the big moment, together with EFT and a lot of coaching gave us a smooth delivery of our beautiful daughter. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Baby and Beyond - EFT, infertility, coaching and moxibustion

We are back in our home country, slowly settling down. I finally get around to describe our lengthy journey to parenthood. My wife was told that it would be very difficult to become pregnant. After two miscarriages, she was close to becoming seriously depressed. That’s when she was told by a friend of Ina’s more holistic approach, taking into consideration lifestyle, nutrition and a few important aspects which sounded strange to me but, what can I say? My wife had an uncomplicated pregnancy resulting in a healthy little girl – and is now pregnant again!


Other Consultations

Fear of flying, general anxieties before traveling with family – EFT

….two days ago, we landed happily in xxxx - after days of nervous preparation (tapping all the time) and a pleasant flight  with a few turbulences which hardly bothered me at all! I am thrilled that I managed so well – and especially proud of our kids who were so cooperative – no quarrelling or bickering! Now we enjoy the beautiful weather with friends and family – life couldn’t be better…!

Sudden change in son’s behavior (4 years), aggressive within the family - BACH Flowers

…finally, we have our son back. He is now his usual self – active and curious but no more aggressive; I can’t tell you how much that changed our whole family; after all this stress we can now breathe again…!

Chronic arthritis, for several years under medication – EFT
…I am so happy that I have to write to you immediately! Last week, I felt another arthritis attack  coming– right foot inflamed from the middle toe up to the ankle; not a severe pain but getting rather sore under pressure, skin was already red and I anticipated worse….thanks to Acupressure and EFT, I was able to contain the pain which soon was reduced to a mild soreness….I am very happy that I was able to prevent a serious attack which usually is extremely painful.

School issues, social isolation – BACH Flowers
…just wanted to let you know that our daughter has been taking the drops for the last two weeks and she feels so much better – it’s almost unbelievable! Her sadness is almost gone, she now joins other children in games and is much more alive during lessons…even the teacher commented on how much she has changed…

Overall tense, aches and pains, dissatisfied - Jin Shin Jyutsu

…to be honest, I did not think much of Jin Shin Jyutsu as I had never heard of it. However, I have to say that after a few sessions I feel so much calmer, more balanced, less tense…and my previously constant headache now only bothers me rarely. I really have the feeling that I am now much more in charge of my life as I have learned to be much more in tune with my body…

Fear of anesthesia - EFT

…I used to have an unexplained severe phobia of being anesthetized. When faced with a toe operation that could no longer be delayed, I decided to try EFT to overcome my panic. On a scale from 0 to 10 (10 being the worst feeling), I was on a 9; after several rounds, my panic dropped to a 1 to 2 and I became very calm and confident. That was on a Friday before the operation on Monday. During the weekend I remained surprisingly calm when thinking of the coming operation. On the day itself, a few rounds of tapping took care of a slight anxiety; I am so happy to say that I experienced no panic before the anesthesia and only wish that I had known about this easy technique two years ago when I had to suffer so much during another operation.

      Qualifications - Tools
      Complementing Tools