Metal Element

   The Metal Adaptation Type – The Judge

Metal is best characterized by ‘structure’, order, logic, and clarity; its ability to cut and separate is associated with discipline and justice – good and bad, yes and no, black and white, there are no grey or shady areas. Muddy, vague thinking or chaos is neither appreciated nor understood; filing of information, learning something new, even people have to fit a certain structure or category as this person does not like surprises. This systematic way of thinking gives them a sense of security and being in charge - a reliable friend.

The Metal Adaptation Type presents themselves as a person who is honest, fair, analysing, and thinks in a structured, streamlined, and very rational way. Respect – giving as well as receiving is of high value.

If out of balance, this person might become judgmental and bragging, a perfectionist, calculating, and attempts to constantly ‘teach’ other people

As a child they like strategic games, need structure and discipline, want ‘logical’ answers, and do not shy away from open conflict in the search for logical clarification; they thrive in a planned daily schedule and might have difficulties with spontaneity. Rules are usually accepted – as long they are fair and have been explained before.<a href=

Within the job, they prefer to work with as few people as possible to keep mistakes and ‘surprises’ at a minimum. Working with material instead of ideas would fulfill this character most as creativity might scare them. Very often, people of this Adaptation Type are working in the respective environment, like cars, construction, and technical engineering – where clear, structured thinking is required. They are not particularly competitive but follow their own high standard instead.

Health-wise, it is the Lung (respiration) and Large Intestine (digestion) that embody the Metal Energy – dividing inhaling from exhaling and separating useful substances from useless ones to be eliminated. 

Emotionally, being often more of a reserved character, it is grief and sadness about somebody, or something lost or about missed opportunities in life that often finds its expression in a sensitive respiratory tract or in the inability to let go (digestion).

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