Fire Element

    The Fire Adaptation Type – The Magician

Fire is the only Element that cannot be touched; it is elusive and highly unpredictable. it is also the connection from the worldly to the divine – getting its nourishment from the ground while reaching up into the endless sky.

This striving for perfection while still being ‘down to earth’ is one of the main characteristics of the Fire Adaptation Type. They are constantly looking for the perfect job, the perfect partner, and the perfect ‘solution’. Expectations are high on all levels, short relationships or mediocre unsatisfying jobs are not favoured. This person dislikes routine. Excitement and surprises should be on a daily basis – if it doesn’t happen by itself, the Fire Adaptation Type will create it. Like a magician, they will pull out something – anything – as long as it breaks the routine and brightens the boredom of a too-predictable life. Because of this openness to anything new, this personality type is of a motivating, inspiring character, charming and curious. They can meld people together, no matter how different they are, without conflict.

If unbalanced the Fire Adaptation Type can become rather domineering, prone to emotional outbursts, drama, and impatience. Constant restlessness can be challenging – not for the 'Magician', but for the people living with them.

The child needs a lot of attention, confirmation, and social contact. They have endless energy and will thrive on constant change of activities – always in happy anticipation for the next one. 

Professionally, this type of person is often the ‘Heart’ of a company. They thrive on contact with other people and are keen to understand them all. Being particularly non-judgmental, the Fire person is suitable to work with people of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds which will provide as well the excitement and surprises they are craving.

Not surprisingly, the Heart is the main organ associated with this Element; blood pressure and veins should be monitored.

Emotionally, it is the joy of life, the ‘Happy for no Reason’ that keeps these people going. In the context of Traditional Chinese Medicine, however, joy can quickly turn into over-excitement or even hysteria which can damage the Heart.

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