Life in Balance

Sedona Method

The Sedona Method is based on quickly shifting our state of consciousness from one of stress and resistance to one of relaxation and allowance.

It is a simple method that allows us to enhance the natural ability that we already have, to release uncomfortable feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.

We are not our feelings; we are separate from them – and therefore we can let them go. One important tenet is the acknowledgment of the feeling instead of rejecting it as only then you are able to let it go.

The related example is a pen that you hold tightly in your hand, rolling it back and forth; as long as you hold it, even become one with it, you are unable to let the pen go. Just the same, as long as the pen lies on your desk without being accepted, acknowledged you are likewise unable to let it go.

So, what is the issue that is holding my attention at this moment?’ ‘Could I allow it to be there, maybe even welcome it…?’ ‘Could I let it go – just for a second’….

Everyone is eventually getting there…

For more details go to Lifebalance Counseling (under construction).

Consultations can be done in Person or Online – in English or German.

      Qualifications - Tools
      Complementing Tools