Facelift by Akupressure


Facelift by Acupressure (English) book description

Easy to learn and can be incorporated into any beauty regime – without any side effects. 

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Facelift durch Akupressur (Deutsch) Buchbeschreibung

Schnell erlernbar und sofort anwendbar - ohne Nebenwirkungen. 

Hier geht's zum download unserer neuesten Ausgabe 'Facelift durch Akupressur'

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Kaufen Sie hier die KINDLE Version (DEUTSCH) bei Amazon

'Healthy Body - Peaceful Mind'

‘Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food’. This famous quote by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates explains the original purpose of nutrition.

This book shows you how to replenish what the body is lacking, to complement deficiency, and repair what is out of balance.

Click here to look inside and buy the KINDLE Edition (ENGLISH) at Amazon


Healing Modalities - Tools
Personality Profiling

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